On Wed, Apr 03, 2013 at 12:18:30PM -0500, Karl Schmidt wrote:
> Is there a page for the show?

Having been to a number of these fests over the years, I want to
try to say what they are and aren't, so nobody travels and is
disappointed.  I'm not sure this is my place to do, but I'm bold
enough to do it anyway.  Of course I'm only speaking for me, and I'm
not even the host, so take it as you will.

Most of us developers don't live near each other, and so we like to
get together in person every year or five to work on and discuss
things that are easier in person.  Also we like to get away from our
normal day-to-day obligations and have some fun working on the
software or some hardware it runs.

Stuart has a bunch of machinery running LinuxCNC, and some more that
should be, one of these days.  One of his machines was the first
dual-pid feedback (motor encoder and linear scale) systems we
experimented with, another is a puma-style robot running genserkins
that, um, mostly works.

Fests before we had them at MPM were at Roland's (Cardinal), where
we worked on a Mazak VMC.  That was one of the first big machines
running (the new at the time) EMC2; it used classicladder to run a
tool changer, etc., and it was on that machine I developed and
tested rigid tapping.  At another fest at Roland's, Jeff implemented
CSS on a test lathe.  At all of the fests, we enjoyed a lot of
BSing, pizza-eating, and argument about how the software should
progress, and surprisingly-late-night hacking sessions.  Those are
some of the most productive times.

Anyway, that's some history.  In the past I've seen people
disappointed when they show up not equipped to share and help (with
the software, with a retrofit, with pulling some wires, ...) but
expecting to go to presentations or classes, or to get extensive
one-on-one tutoring.  That's not to say that you can't show up
hoping to learn (positively you should!), but be prepared to learn
by jumping in and doing (or just watching), not by being tutored or
by attending classes.  There isn't a website for the fest because
there's really no schedule and no classrooms and no presentations.
You will notice there's also no entry fee!  These things are

I'm not sure what new things will come out of this fest, but I have
high hopes and I'm really looking forward to it.  I haven't seen
most of the old folks for 3 years now, and I'm thrilled that I'm
going to get to see some of the new folks too.


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