On 4/11/2013 9:49 PM, Gregg Eshelman wrote:
> I'd like to get the exact dimensions for the triangle pattern used in the 
> wall and floor panels of Skylab. Looks like there are round holes, possibly 
> threaded, where the triangle holes meet.
> Why that pattern? Because it's an interesting design and looks like it could 
> be useful for other purposes, especially if the round holes are threaded.
> Anyone live near the Air and Space Museum? Would they allow someone in with a 
> digital caliper to take measurements?
> The only other places I know of that may have those panels are the two Skylab 
> simulators, if they were built to fully duplicate the two built for launching.

I took my sons through it in 1981 when I moved to the DC area to start 
work at NBS.

Honestly, I can't recall the particulars. Peering at the picture on 
http://airandspace.si.edu/collections/artifact.cfm?id=A19761033000 I'd 
guess the passageway is enclosed in a a full plastic shield.

I'd love to go down to the Mall (just 30 miles from home) to scope out 
the situation for you (and renew my acquaintance with the many other 
artifacts in the museum), but I'm unlikely to make it anytime soon. My 
wife's daily regimen takes priority. Sorry.


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