This seems to have been recently scanned, found it on Wikipedia. Isogrid hadn't 
turned up in my previous searches for this.

Isogrid Design Handbook, NASA CR-124075, McDonnell Douglas, 1973

And skipping through a tone of theory, math, more math, lots more math and 
other 'this is how we do it' stuff...

Page 42 has the dimensions of the panels as used on Skylab!

That would be so easy to have cut on a water jet. When were those invented? I'd 
expect the originals to have been cut out with an NC mill, which would've 
converted quite a lot of the plate to chips.

--- On Thu, 4/11/13, jeremy youngs <> wrote:

> From: jeremy youngs <>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] A project I want to do on a CNC mill
> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <>
> Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013, 8:10 PM
> just get a picture with something of
> KNOWN size in it raster it in a vector
> program ( photoshop will do this ) import to autocad as dxf,
> measure known
> point to point divide known measurement by measurement made
> in autocad then
> rescale to the quotient  . trim all but desired out of
> dxf . import to
> mastercam write program make :)
> now how to do this with all linux programs well i havent got
> there yet but
> when i do i will swear off bill gates forever:)
> note perpendicularity of the photo is very crucial to get
> accurate scaling
> this can be used with any photo sometimes to an accuracy of
> a couple of
> thousandths depending on perpendicularity and the accuracy
> of the known
> measured item
> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 9:49 PM, Gregg Eshelman <>
> wrote:
> > I'd like to get the exact dimensions for the triangle
> pattern used in the
> > wall and floor panels of Skylab. Looks like there are
> round holes, possibly
> > threaded, where the triangle holes meet.
> >
> > Why that pattern? Because it's an interesting design
> and looks like it
> > could be useful for other purposes, especially if the
> round holes are
> > threaded.
> >
> > Anyone live near the Air and Space Museum? Would they
> allow someone in
> > with a digital caliper to take measurements?
> >
> > The only other places I know of that may have those
> panels are the two
> > Skylab simulators, if they were built to fully
> duplicate the two built for
> > launching.

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