On 4/22/2013 7:05 AM, John Thornton wrote:
> Did you skip past the Warning?
> On 4/22/2013 2:06 AM, Rudy du Preez wrote:
>> I find pages 20 to 23 of the Integrators manual V2.5, 2013-03-26 very
>> confusing:
>> Page 20 is headed Homing.
>> It discusses HOME related parameters and the suddenly jumps into PID
>> settings. Is that correct? At least a heading is missing.


In the v2.4 docs, there was a subheading just above the line which has 
been turned into a warning.

The subheading began

---snip--- Servo

The following items are for servo-based systems and servo-like systems. 
This description assumes
that the units of output from the PID component are volts.

DEADBAND = 0.000015 (HAL) How close is close enough the consider the 
motor in position."

The result is we have lost not only the subheading but also the slightly 
redundant information contained in the old lead sentence.

>> Please read the paragraph on OUTPUT_OFFSET = 0.000 carefully and see if it
>> makes sense with regards to units. How can the second value (offset) first
>> be subtracted from the computed value (in volts) and the be divided by the
>> first value (scale)?
>> Lower down the equation is given which shows that the subtraction is done
>> before scaling.

The second sentence somewhat awkwardly repeats what the equation says. 
Further, it does not use the actual names of the parameters. Perhaps the 
sentence could be changed to say something like

"The second value (output_offset, in volts) is subtracted from the 
computed output (in volts); the result is divided by the first value 
(output_scale, in true volts per DAC output volts)."

Other parts of the paragraph would be adjusted to suit.

My personal preference, however, would be to state the units for each 
parameter right up front

"OUTPUT_SCALE = 1.000 [true volts per DAC output volts] -
OUTPUT_OFFSET = 0.000 [volts] - These two values...."

and then drop them from the ensuing text.

However, this ought to be done everywhere. I don't have the time to 
check every place a parameter is defined in the docs and propose an 
editorial change; my guess is you're pretty busy too:-)

Note also that the next subheading in the document is also missing 
having been replaced in the same way by a boilerplate warning.

---snip--- Stepper

The following items are Stepper related items.

>> Rudy

Thanks, Rudy.


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