> From: viesturs.la...@gmail.com
> Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 22:26:11 +0300
> To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Two hal+gladevcp questions
> 2013/4/22 Michael Haberler <mai...@mah.priv.at>
> >
> > Am 22.04.2013 um 19:00 schrieb Viesturs Lācis <viesturs.la...@gmail.com>:
> >
> > > Hello!
> > >
> > > I am working on a "HAL+Gladevcp only" config and I have 2 issues:
> > > 1) I have a horizontal scale in gladevcp panel (scale is named "sample")
> > > and I have linked the scale output in HAL file. But, when I start up the
> > > config in terminal with "halrun -f [path to my halfile]", I see that it
> > > reports that such pin does not exist.
> >
> > see
> > http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/gui/gladevcp.html#_widget_and_hal_pin_naming
> Yes, there is this sentence:
> "HAL_HScale and HAL_VScale are derived from the GtkHScale and GtkVScale
> respectively. They have one output FLOAT pin with name equal to widget
> name. Scales have no additional properties."
> So I have named the scale widget to be "sample" and in HAL file the pin
> name is gladevcp.sample, but terminal output complains that pin does not
> exist.
>  have a look how the pins are actually named by running
> >
> > $ halshow.tcl
> >
> Thanks! Sorry, I am pretty dumb with terminal. Now it tells that command
> not found. Which directory should I cd, before running this command? I
> tried /usr/lib/tcltk/linuxcnc/bin as I found such a file there, but I still
> receive the same error. Is there some additional syntax required?
> -- 
> Viesturs
This is what Gscreen uses to load halshow (note it loads the path from a preset 
p = os.popen("tclsh %s/bin/halshow.tcl -- -ini %s &" % (TCLPATH,self.inipath))
So I would think you need to put tclsh before the path to halshow.
Not sure what happens without the INI path..

halmeter will show pin names.

Chris M

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