On 7/11/2013 11:06 AM, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
> On 7/11/13 06:41 , Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
>> I'll try this out in a day or two when I'm back home.  I have had
>> several people think the system was broken because the LEDs were not
>> blinking...I'm guessing not very many people monitor the serial console
>> of their BeagleBone.  :-/
> I think that's an understandable user behavior.  Out of the box, the BBB 
> drives an HDMI display, and I bet that's how most people initially test 
> their new BBBs.
> Then they fetch your image and put it on a micro SD card, and the HDMI 
> screen remains dark, and they mail you a bug report ;-)

Indeed.  :(

> I looked through your blog and didn't see a mention of this change from 
> the default behavior.  I bet just a quick note in your Quick Start 
> (http://bb-lcnc.blogspot.com/p/machinekit_16.html) would go a long way.
> "The HDMI won't work, use a serial console via this cable 
> (http://circuitco.com/support/index.php?title=BeagleBone_Black_Accessories#Serial_Debug_Cables)
> instead."

I am actually considering leaving the HDMI enabled and requiring people
to edit the uEnv.txt file to disable it if they actually want to twiddle
pins.  I can put a check for the HDMI driver being loaded in the
LinuxCNC setup script I'm calling at the start of HAL, and prod them to
edit uEnv.txt if they try to load a configuration that conflicts.  Since
there are starting to be hardware options that work with HDMI enabled:


...this seems like it might be a reasonable choice.

Charles Steinkuehler

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