I'm looking forward to using the new image, and being able to get a monitor
and keyboard on the BBB.  But I want to get a few prints from the printer
before making that change, so that wont happen for a few days.

I was having difficulty determining the PID settings for my extruder
heater, mostly getting a lot of overshoot during the initial heating.  So I
wrote a hal component in Python based on the auto tune functionality in the
Marlin firmware.  It did a pretty good job for me.  I can send it to anyone
who is interested.  It's my first attempt at PID tuning, so I don't know
how good it is.

Also, a question regarding the pid component.  It looks to me from the
documentation and experimentation that the maxerror parameters apply to the
error before the gain is applied.  Is this correct?

I'll probably take a stab at implementing M109 and M190, unless someone
else has done so already.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Michael Haberler <mai...@mah.priv.at>wrote:

> Am 15.07.2013 um 15:27 schrieb Klemen Dovrtel <klemen_dovr...@yahoo.com>:
> > Hello everybody,
> >
> > I have the linuxcnc beaglebone black up and running. I tested same
> simple hal setup with led blinking and it works fine. I am impressed :)
> >
> > I set the base-thread to 1000000 ns (1ms) - this is what i found in
> other BB hal configurations which were already loaded on the sd card. Is
> there a latency test that i can run on the beaglebone board - i am not
> using GUI, so i can not test the latency with the axis GUI? Is this 1000000
> ns the number i should use?
> Please see the xenomai wiki for details; also the linuxcnc wiki has some
> information on this (look for 'dohell')
> you can always point the DISPLAY environment variable to some other X
> server which has access open (see xhost) and run GUI this way if you want
> to see the linuxcnc latency-test at work
> > What other hardware is already supported beside gpio. Can i use i2c,
> adc, etc. Are there hal modules already written for this? How can i compile
> my own hal modules - i assume the compiler is not supplied with the sd card?
> You can use the existing drivers like adc and others from a user HAL
> component, as Charles has done for temperature readout into HAL pins - see
> his configs
> This should work for other drivers as well AS LONG AS YOU DONT REQUIRE
> THEM TO BE REALTIME - note any read(2)/write(2) system calls will usually
> kill RT performance
> if you require RT from an existing peripheral , you have essentially only
> the option to disable the driver, map the driver registers into userland,
> and 'do it yourself' through register manipulation; this is what
> hal_bb_gpio does.  The trick is similar for other drivers; addresses vary
> according to hardware.
> An RT-capable HAL SPI driver for the BB would be a welcome contribution;
> see the raspberry SPI driver by Gemi Orcullo (picnc on code.google.com)
> for inspiration.
> > Is there common beagle bone resource page somewhere - I could not find
> it at linuxcnc web site?
> as of now, I'd say Charles' blog and some beaglebone wiki entries are all
> we have
> - Michael
> >
> > Best Regards
> > Klemen
> >
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