On 9 September 2013 13:28, Rudy du Preez <r...@asmsa.co.za> wrote:
> The encoders have differential A and B pulse trains, but
> the A channel is used in the beginning to send 8 bytes of serial data plus
> some incremental pulses to establish the absolute positions of the axes when
> activating the robot after a start-up. The 8 bytes give "P(+ or -)XXXXX(CR)"
> with M=XXXXX the number of full turns of the motor from the home position.
> The next incremental pulses (Po) give the number of counts of a partial
> turn.

As it is all on channel A then the Mesa encoder counter won't see the
serial data as counts, which is good.

I think that the encoder channels pass-through to the FPGA card, so
are visible as GPIO. It is possible to run a base-thread with a Mesa
system and bit-bang the GPIO in that thread.

So, it seems plausible to run a 50.2 uS base-thread and sample the
A-channel in a component.

It might also be possible to add a UART to the bitfile that shares the
A channel hardware pin with the encoder counter, though this would
probably also need a custom component to manage it.

Step 1 is probably to create a base thread and run Halscope in it
while sampling the A-channel. If you can see the serial data then the
chances are good that it can be made to work.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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