On Mon, 9 Sep 2013, Rudy du Preez wrote:

> Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2013 14:28:25 +0200
> From: Rudy du Preez <r...@asmsa.co.za>
> Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>     <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Motorman Robot with absolute Yaskawa encoders
> I am busy converting a Motorman 6-axis robot to Linuxcnc. The original
> Yaskawa motors and servo drives are used. The motors are all fitted with
> absolute encoders. The encoders have differential A and B pulse trains, but
> the A channel is used in the beginning to send 8 bytes of serial data plus
> some incremental pulses to establish the absolute positions of the axes when
> activating the robot after a start-up. The 8 bytes give "P(+ or -)XXXXX(CR)"
> with M=XXXXX the number of full turns of the motor from the home position.
> The next incremental pulses (Po) give the number of counts of a partial
> turn. So if R is the number of counts/rev, the position in counts is M*R +
> Po. After this short burst of serial data and pulses the encoder behaves
> like a normal incremental encoder.
> I have set up one motor on a bench and have tuned the PID for it. I have to
> reset the encoder count to zero before I carry on after the initialization,
> ie. I currently ignore the initial serial data and pulses, but of course
> like to use this data to have absolute encoding functional.
> A component seems necessary to read the serial data and count the initial
> pulses to set the initial offset. Has anybody perhaps prepared such a
> component. I have looked at the lsrio16.comp and could probably make
> something similar work for me. The tricky part for me would be to get the
> right clock speed to synchronize with the serial data speed of 9600 baud.
> I am using a Mesa 6i26 + 7i77 interface system.
> Rudy

Its probably possible a make a special pin type that combines a UARTRX and a 
encoder (its a little trickier since its a muxed encoder), But the driver 
would have to be taught to understand the pin tag.

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Peter Wallace
Mesa Electronics

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