On 28 Dec 2013, at 23:24, Michael Haberler <mai...@mah.priv.at> wrote:

> Am 28.12.2013 um 22:32 schrieb Bas de Bruijn <bdebru...@luminize.nl>:
>> On 28 Dec 2013, at 21:37, Michael Haberler <mai...@mah.priv.at> wrote:
>>> Am 28.12.2013 um 21:21 schrieb Bas de Bruijn <bdebru...@luminize.nl>:
>>>>> https://github.com/mhaberler/linuxcnc/tree/unified-build-candidate-3-joints_axes4
>>>>> The lineardeltakins module is already in this branch, you just have to
>>>>> select it in your configuration file.
>>>> first after making my local branch from 
>>>> https://github.com/mhaberler/linuxcnc/tree/unified-build-candidate-3-joints_axes4
>>>>  linuxcnc wouldn’t start and generated the following messages:
>>>> RTAPI configuration file unreadable: 
>>>> /home/linuxcnc/linuxcnc/etc/linuxcnc/rtapi.ini
>>>> Config file tool unusable: /home/linuxcnc/linuxcnc/libexec/inivar
>>>> After copying the folders /etc and /libexec from the MachineKit-ubc branch 
>>>> these errors were solved and instead I got the same messages as the 
>>>> initial error messages at the initial post.
>>>> should I have done something different?
>>> yes, dont copy around random directories and hope it will just somehow 
>>> work, rather fix the cause.
>> fair enough. I feel like I should try to solve problems myself first rather 
>> than bother everybody.
> please read this: http://static.mah.priv.at/public/UnifiedBuild.html , in 
> particular 'Configuring and Building: The Basic procedure’

Thanks for the link. I’ll read it, follow instructions and report back 
tomorrow. Thanks so far. Like anything new(ish) I’m starting to know what I 
don’t know.

> since you obviously switched branches, I suggest you first clean the 
> directory from build artefacts before building:
>  cd linuxcnc
>  git clean -xdf
> NB: __this will wipe any local changes to the current directory and below__ 
> so save anything you havent checked into git
> Then rebuild as outlined in the document.
> The configure invocation on my BB reads:  ./configure --with-platform=bb 
> --with-xenomai --with-posix
> so:
>  cd src
>  sh autogen.sh
>  ./configure --with-platform=bb --with-xenomai --with-posix
>  make
>  sudo make setuid
>  . ../scripts/rip-environment
>  linuxcnc
>> But being simple I was under the impression that when switching branches, 
>> when going back to a successful working branch I would be able to have a 
>> working (although not delta kinematic) system again
> sure, but you'll have to rebuild
>>> Please pastebin src/config.log which will contain the arguments to 
>>> ./configure . 
>> If I do one step back, should I have compiled your branch first? Being 
>> spoiled with other OS’es?
> well, if you found an OS with telepathic qualities, be sure to share with us, 
> we'd be riveted ;)
>> I can’t copy the contents of the file from vi to pastebin, neither directly 
>> via the BBB with netsurf-browser.org nor via the ssh from my Mac.
>> I tried gg”*yG and all other variants, vi tells me all files are yanked, but 
>> I can not paste anywhere. Another way?
> yes, since you obviously can ssh from your Mac, you can also scp a file to 
> your Mac.
> scp linuxcnc@<ip-address-of-beaglebone>/linuxcnc/src/config.log config.log
> then pastebin from the Mac
> but I guess you might want to follow the steps above first
> also, if you reporta problem, pastebin the first few lines of 'git log' and 
> the contents of /var/log/linuxcnc.log 
> - Michael
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