On 29 Dec 2013, at 15:11, Michael Haberler <mai...@mah.priv.at> wrote:

> Am 29.12.2013 um 14:57 schrieb Bas de Bruijn <bdebru...@luminize.nl>:
> .. good so far ..
>>> make
>>> sudo make setuid
>>> . ../scripts/rip-environment
>>> linuxcnc
>> linuxcnc will start,
> no it does not, see line of the log:  BeBoPr-Bridge.hal:26: 
> /home/linuxcnc/linuxcnc/libexec/rtapi_app_xenomai exited without becoming 
> ready

you are right, the choosing of the configuration popped up, not linuxcnc

> this indicates some fundamental problem. 
> Did the make complete without errors? if not, please run like so:
>  $ make |& tee /tmp/log 
> and pastebin /tmp/log


> Are you sure you ran 'sudo make setuid' in the linuxcnc/src directory?


>> /var/log/linuxcnc.log doesn’t seem to exist (at least at that location)
> please look again. It should be there starting from Charles's image:

it’s not there, noticed also in /tmp/log

> linuxcnc@arm:~$ ls -l /var/log/linuxcnc.log 
> -rw-r----- 1 root adm 10251074 Dec 19 21:21 /var/log/linuxcnc.log
> you might have to do 
>    $ sudo tail -f /var/log/linuxcnc.log
> due to file permissions; you can also 
>    $ sudo chmod 644 /var/log/linuxcnc.log

linuxcnc@arm:~$  ls -l /var/log/linuxcnc.log 
ls: cannot access /var/log/linuxcnc.log: No such file or directory
linuxcnc@arm:~$ sudo tail -f /var/log/linuxcnc.log
tail: cannot open `/var/log/linuxcnc.log' for reading: No such file or directory
linuxcnc@arm:~$ sudo chmod 644 /var/log/linuxcnc.log
chmod: cannot access `/var/log/linuxcnc.log': No such file or directory

> to get around this problem
> please start linuxcnc like so:
> $ DEBUG=5 linuxcnc

first time i saw fome files emerge in /var/log/ but after the console returning 
to the prompt they got removed automatically
so here is the contents of $ DEBUG=5 linuxcnc > console output.txt 2>&1


> and pastebin the results in /var/log/linuxcnc.log - there is no point in 
> reporting back without this log, everything else is just guessing
> -m
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