On 16 Feb 2014, at 05:07, Jared Turner wrote:

> I'm still working with trying to get programatic speed control from my BBB. 
> My driver requires a 0-10v signal or a 10k pot to control speed.

Interestingly, although these systems are designed around a 10 volt swing, I 
have measured the swing on my pot in situ, and it swings 14 volts. I have 
spoken to one of the suppliers of the 10 volt boards, and they said they 
couldn't give me a board (or a mod) to give a 14 volt swing. I suspect they 
didn't think the market was great enough, or just didn't believe me. Whether 
the machine needs that extra 4 volts I can't say. Bought a 10 volt swing board 
but have not yet fitted it.
> Had to take a break from this - schoolwork is kinda inconvenient at times - 
> found out my digital pot can't work for 10v signals... so I'm thinking about 
> implementing an op-amp and ramping up the output of the BBB to 0-10v. My 
> other option is to connect a servo/stepper motor to a pot which seems a 
> little silly.

Yes; I saw that recommendation from a supplier, but I felt the potential errors 
and the hardware overkill meant it was not a preferred solution, in my view. 
> I'm just wondering which is easier...
Surely it shouldn't be too hard for the electronics chappies to produce a board 
which responds to a digital (command) input and outputs a programmable voltage 
up to, say, 20 volts. It would be more expensive than the current boards but 
much more useful. Or am I missing something?
Could someone not provide a board which accepted a digital (command or code) 
input. run it through a map of the volts-to-speed characteristics of a motor, 
and output the appropriate voltage (up to the maximum required for that motor). 
Working with the existing motor controller, that would give good, accurate, 
speed control.
Some inverters already claim to be able to respond to signals from a computer, 
so how is that done? 

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