On 02/16/2014 11:26 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 16 February 2014 12:22:12 N. Christopher Perry did opine:
>> I've developed a circuit just for this application:
>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34705319/Spindle Drive Interface
>> Schematic.pdf
>> It does a fairly decent job.  It gets within ~0.5% of full scale on both
>> ends and has a linearity error of ~0.5%.  In addition it has a couple
>> of opto isolated control/feedback signals for spindle enable and a 'at
>> speed' indication.
>> Here are the Eagle files for it if you'd like to crib them:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/solnou6bjixmmp7/3b3ChzN0Wk
>> I've even got a few bare PCBs and a couple of populated ones if you'd
>> like to buy one.
>> N. Christopher Perry
> Unfortunately, the files, while they can be downloaded by chromium but not
> FF27, the .pdf aren't not open able by acroread, bad .pdf.
> Eagle says the .sch is not an eagle file.

   I'm using Firefox in Mint 16, and I downloaded the entire site as a 
zip file.  Eagle v6.4.0 had no problems opening the files.

MC Cason
Associate Developer - Eagle3D, Created by Matthias Weißer

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