Yep.  There is a nice g-code generator for Inkscape.  It is
called gcodetools, and it was written by a Russian fellow.

I've used it mostly for a demo I do occasionally for kids
where we dispense frosting onto graham crackers with
LinuxCNC.  I have some simple stepper-driven linear
stages that I can bolt together, and a syringe pusher
I bolt onto Z.  I just use the Hal hypot function to compute
a rate for the syringe.

Gcodetools is designed for engraving, so I have to fudge
things a bit for my dispensing application.

-- Ralph
From: Gene Heskett []
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] A round toit generator

On Tuesday 15 April 2014 15:19:59 andy pugh did opine:

> On 15 April 2014 18:11, Gene Heskett <> wrote:
> > Chuckle, but that isn't the one I've been looking for, Kirk.  I need a
> > quarter sized coin that says in circular text on one side
> What you need is a coining die, then you can make as many as you want.

Not a bad idea, but how many tons needed for the bottle jack?

I assume the dies would be good hardened steel. Can that be edm'd? Using
what for electrode material? Probably not with the sharpness of detail in
the text though, because the electrode would also go away.  OTOH, my
experience with edm is limited to broken tap removal, a PIMA but it did
work, very slowly as I had no way to circulate clean K2 into the blind
holes for debris flushing even if I was using 1/16" OD tubing to go down a
6-32 hole.  I bent it about 10 thou & ran the spindle at about 50 rpm and
got faster cutting than with 1/16 solid brass rod. That just sharpened
itself to a bullet profile and took cleaning out & new k2 about 3x as

In which case I'd still need the code. :(

ISTR seeing inkscape can do the circular text bit, even OOw might be able
to, but how to translate that into gcode?  I don't recall seeing an
inkscape to gcode utility.  TTT maybe, but it doesn't do 3d if you want to
use a pretty TT font, where the wider strokes of the font would get a
deeper cut as opposed to just following the outlines with two cuts. That
I've tried, results sucked. POtrace can follow a bitmap, but again not in

Ideas for a post proc for TTT output to make it do one stroke at variable
depth so as to trace the center up to the width of the cutter?  Being able
to use a nice cursive calligraphic font in 3D from would
be a huge plus.  They have some truly beautiful fonts there which are free
to download.

The old man mutters again. Pursuant to having a fixed home to set limits
from, I bought two micro-switches yesterday to put on the lathe, but still
trying to figure out how to put one on the Z that wouldn't get fouled by
swarf.  X will be a problem too unless I can hide it under the cover for
the screw but that will put it in the wrong place, I want them both to make
as it backs away from the work. That's so I can home it with work already
chucked. I thought of fixing a wire to the crossfeed, extending out thru a
small hole in the motor mount & letting a 90 degree bend in the end of the
wire pull the switch but there isn't enough plate beyond the motor. So I
almost have to mount that on the front bearing extension so the cross feed
hits it a few thou short of the end of back away travel. That area is also
loaded with swarf and would need a sheet brass, or ALU cover fabricated.  I
need a small brake but TSC's cheapest is 2 feet wide and $300.

Comments welcome, pix of what you folks have done even better.

  To be continued...

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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