
Limit switches are normally wired up normally closed. The reason for 
this is if you cut a wire the machine stops.

That sounds like a strange way to put limit switches... on my BP mill 
for example there is a switch mounted to the X table and a bumpy thing 
mounted near each end so when the axis gets too close to the end the 
bumpy thing depresses the switch and stops all movement. I can take a 
photo of it you like.

I suspect your over thinking this one.


On 6/14/2014 11:38 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Hi all;
> Working on my micro-mill, putting ball screws in the x&y.
> I have now rigged the nut holders with microswitches to prevent the motors
> from totally unscrewing the screws from the ball nuts.
> These switches are positioned so that the NO contacts are made in normal
> service, eg the lever is held depressed by the side of the screw, until
> the screw is within about 1/4" of the nut holder.  The switch lever runs
> up the side of the screw, so wear there should be minimal.
> I am inclined to wire them so as to disable that stepgen when the screw
> clears the switch allowing it to open, as this seems like the safest way
> to do it.  Any open, or a broken cable should result in the safe action.
> Can I treat this as a simple current loop in plain 2 conductor wire, or do
> I need to go get some of that foil shielded stuff we broadcasters use for
> audio?
> And is the rest of my thinking correct?  I believe I have two inputs left
> yet, but with 4 axis's and a direction/speed spindle controller, I am out
> of outputs on a std parport.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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