On 8/27/2014 11:44 AM, alex chiosso wrote:
> Hi Philipp .
> You point to the right direction.
> I need a full control over the needle movement because I have to start the
> X-Y movement before the needle is at top position .

Easy enough to do. Find a place in the machine on the needle drive shaft 
to place a disk and optical sensor. Have the disk block the sensor for 
all of the rotation where the needle will be into the fabric and 
unblocked from the time it pulls out to just before it goes back in.

Might even be able to use a strip of aluminum tape partway around the 
edge of the handwheel (if the machine has one) and a reflection sensor. 
If the wheel has a polished rim, blacken or rough up part of the edge to 
change reflectance. Attaching a more robust sensor and disk there could 
work, but anything external like that in an industrial environment would 
require a cover or guard.

So sensor blocked = lock out all XY movement, unblocked = allow XY 
movement. Should be able to connect that sensor to a command to 
pause/unpause the step streams to the motor drivers.

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