I have a G0704 mill (known "up here" as a King Canada KC20-VS) that is
being CNC'd, with only one real issue cropping up.

The spindle speed  control - original is a 4.7k pot, the spindle circuit
board is a "copy" of a KBIC 120 style board.

With the 4.7K pot in place, I measure 4.14v across the outer leads. With it
removed, the circuit board shows about 11.9v. When I connect up to the
7i76, the voltage drops to 1.89v.  No matter what I do (not that I'm an
expert in this config) I can't get anything other than 0.0v out of the 7i76
spindle out.

Does the 7i76 draw more current (twice as much, approx) as a 4.7k

If so, I might have an "out":

The KBIC board allows for "voltage following" with an external 0-7v supply
leading to one of the  leads for the potentiometer, and one of the field
wiring connections; maybe this board will act the same.

Anyone know if what the 7i76 is doing is correct?

Thanks - JohnS.
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