On 12/14/2014 11:00 AM, kqt4a...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Dec 2014, Peter C. Wallace wrote:

>> I guess I would start to suspect that you "free" RAM was bad...
> He pulled  it from a running system. He wanted to get bigger sticks. Even
> without memory should not I get a video signal? Monitor reports "no vga
> signal". I think I am just screwed.

No memory = no worky. ;P A computer must have functional RAM in a 
supported configuration, and it must have a functional CPU that is 
supported both by the hardware and by the power supply capability of the 

The CPU and RAM and some other parts have to pass the POST before the 
system gets around to looking for and turning on video.

Something else to check, both Intel and AMD have produced various CPUs 
that will plug into sockets they are not at all compatible with. If you 
are lucky all that will happen is the computer will do nothing instead 
of destroying the CPU with too much power or power applied to data 

I've been working with and on PC systems for 32 years now, seen a lot of 
crazy things with the hardware.

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