On 2/5/2015 2:04 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Thursday, February 05, 2015 11:08:52 AM andy pugh wrote:
>> Have I already asked this?
>> It would be really nice if an M-code could send a network broadcast to
>> all the machines on my local network (Mac, PC, Linux) to tell me that
>> a machine needs attention.
>> (At the moment that attention is unclamping the A-axis so that it can
>> re-position the part)
>> Any ideas?
> I have, in my mind, a similar project, in my case I need to energize an air
> valve that will inject about 100 psi into the body of my A table and free it
> up to be able to move under the control of the motor on it, this need created
> by the rotational backlash in it if the center bearing is not pulled down
> tight.
> Uber cheap 100 USD 4" centerless table from Grizzy.  And its still a bit big
> for my mill as I need, but have not made, a 45 degree mount so the motor is
> not in the way of the head from sticking out at a 45 degree up angle.
> The air pressure, which also blows the grease out thru the bottom bearing,
> lifts the table rim off the base casting and frees it up so the motor can move
> it reliably.
> I keep scouring the net looking for a suitable electrically controled air
> valve, but anything worth buying is in the $100 USD range so I am
> understandably dragging my feet. The other option would be a heavy contact
> relay to start and stop one of these auto tire cigarette lighhter driven
> pumps.  That too would need a healthy 15 volt supply at probably 15-20 amps.
> Or a cheap trickle charger on a lawn mower/motorcycle battery.  Duty cycle
> wouldn't be excessive in most usage.
> As far as the control of the valve , or pump is concerned, I think Motion may
> have an output I can trigger the valve with. But I don't ATM recall its name.
> Might have to rig an interlock for about a second to give the pump time enough
> to make usable pressure if thats how I do it.  Hal and motion have all sorts
> of stuff to carve up a usable control.  That may in fact be the better way to
> do it.  Perhaps your table lock could be rigged similarly?
> See what happens when I let my imagination out to play? :)
> Cheers, Gene

Harbor Freight has a cheap as hell air compressor that goes on sale 


I bought one to inject air into my well water system (the system is 
complex.. long story)

I wired one of these in almost 3 years ago and it cycles periodically.   
Maybe every few days.

I bought the first one on sale for I think, $39 and I bought a second 
one since I was pretty certain the first one would fail within a year.
That didn't happen.    (I did follow the break in instructions.)

If you get one of these and buy a quality surplus air valve off Ebay 
(Asco red hat etc), you should be set.    The air reservoir tank will 
help float the table.  If you need more air tank capacity, a 20 gallon 
propane tank mounted upside down (so water does not collect in the tank) 
is a cheap reservoir.


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