On 6 June 2015 at 00:31, Sven Wesley <svenne.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Letting the box, BBB or whatever you like
> controlling the machine and running the GUI somewhere else is pretty
> obvious to me.

It doesn't have to be an either/or. I have mentioned this before, but
it's a useful thing to do.

Even with the machine controller and GUI local to the machine, you can
still open a remote HAL session. Quite often with a long job I will
set the machine going in the workshop then go back indoors to do
something else.

ssh -Y andypugh@mill.local

opens a remote terminal session to that machine. the -Y enables
X-forwarding. (-X might be more obvious, and might work for you)

halcmd -kf

opens a remote HAL session.

loadusr halmeter -s pin motion.program-line

opens a little window on the machine I am sitting at (typically my Mac
in the living room) that goes to 0 when waiting for a tool change, or
finished, and increments regularly if things are going well.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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