Copyright 2015 Maurice E. Heskett, all rights reserved.

I had printed out something I had an interest in a few days ago, and when 
I picked it up just now, I see a very disturbing to me, notice at the 
bottom of the last page saying 

CopyRight 2015 GitHub, inc.

No wonder I am seeing derogatory remarks all over about GitHub recently, 
they are trying the same thing Yahoo tried 15 years ago, claiming 
copyright on anything that passes thru their servers.

My own email sig, because of that, carried a Copyright (year) Maurice E. 
Heskett, all rights reserved on any message that went thru their mailing 
list server farm for several years.  Yahoo finally removed that from 
their T.O.S., but I was on 3 or four lists that got moved off of yahoo 
because of that.

Is it time we did the same here?  Placing a prominent Copyright claim in 
our own names on everything shared on GitHub (or sourceforge from what I 
read elsewhere) from now on?

The last thing we need is some patent/copyright troll claiming he bought 
the rights to something we originated, and that we are in violation of 
what should be our own copyright.

I was in the middle of one such instance back in the late 90's, effecting 
all broadcasters, and which took the FCC to write a law, passed by both 
houses unamimously, making that particular claim null and void.  Had it 
held, damages would have been several million per broadcaster.  But we 
were adament about it, we were damned if we were gonna pay some troll to 
use the technology the government had mandated we use.  In the end, the 
one dummy that paid up was granted a refund, but I've no clue if he ever 
saw a check.

It COULD happen to us.  Specifically, whats the best way to neuter this 

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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