On 15.06.15 13:54, Przemek Klosowski wrote:
> Are you sure you're not confusing GitHub with SourceForge? There was a
> recent brouhaha with SF downloads of several projects.
> >
> > This is not a tasty turn of events since github changed hands a while
> > back.
> Yup, that's probably Sourceforge---I don't think GitHub changed
> corporate structure, and it's not that old anyway, unlike Sourceforge
> which dates back a while.

Yes, the only thing I've read on it recently is:


and it paints GitHub as the lifeboat.

As I see it, they can't hijack GPLed code into private ownership, but
anyone can copy it, host it freely wherever, and the FOSS community
sails on blithely on the familiar course. Whether the pirates call that
a fork, or we call theirs something else, is hot air about roses.

Yes, the suits can make us pay for on-line newspapers now, but our code
is not theirs to exploit, so long as we can find an alternative hosting
site. In extremis, projects might have to host their own, or we might
have to chip in a little now and then, as for wikipedia.

In time, the suits will then realise that buying a Sourceforge is buying
an empty barn built on a bog.


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