On 06/15/2015 04:42 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Copyright 2015 Maurice E. Heskett, all rights reserved.
> I had printed out something I had an interest in a few days ago, and when 
> I picked it up just now, I see a very disturbing to me, notice at the 
> bottom of the last page saying 
> CopyRight 2015 GitHub, inc.

Afaik the copyright notice relates to TOS section A.8, F.4 and G.6
(IANAL). That is, everything related to the github site and
infrastructure, not the user content.

> No wonder I am seeing derogatory remarks all over about GitHub recently, 
> they are trying the same thing Yahoo tried 15 years ago, claiming 
> copyright on anything that passes thru their servers.

As per TOS section F.1, they claim no ownership on your content.

Actually, it looks like github has changed their TOS.

Last time I checked they had that obnoxious clause(*) about requiring a
perpetual non-revocable ...blabla... license to everything you uploaded
into your project for being able to do advertising, including third
party dependency shit. Now they are much more friendly and, on the
surface, the TOS actually seems to be FLOSS compatible.

(*) See f.ex. instructables' TOS section 3.b.

Greetings Bertho

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