On Tuesday 29 March 2016 11:21:05 Rick Lair wrote:

> Late yesterday I rebooted the router and everything came back, but
> then I blew the connection to the accountants Quickbooks files on the
> server, fixed one problem, created another that took an hour to fix
> this morning, go figure,,
> Thanks Guys
> On 3/29/2016 9:17 AM, John Thornton wrote:
> > Rebooting the router or computer usually fixes this issue for me.
> >
> > JT
> >
> > On 3/28/2016 8:47 AM, Rick Lair wrote:
> >> In know this is way off topic, but if anybody would possibly know,
> >> I'm sure they are floating around here somewhere,
> >>
> >> We have a small network here at the shop, roughly a dozen PC's and
> >> 4 CNC's ( my linuxcnc builds) that are all networked together,
> >> using a workgroup type setup, not a domain. Most of the time
> >> everything works fine, but randomly ( right now) when you try to
> >> look at one of the other workgroup computers, there is nothing
> >> there. On my wheezy machine I clicked on the "Network" selection,
> >> and then clicked on the "Windows Network" link, and there is
> >> nothing there. So I went back to XP machine, and went and clicked
> >> "View Workgroup Computers", and a popup box comes up after about 10
> >> seconds that says " The list of servers for this workgroup is
> >> currently unavailable". On both machines, I can access the internet
> >> just fine, I pinged the wheezy machine from my XP machine, and
> >> everything looks fine there, so what could possibly cause it not
> >> see/display the other PC's in the network managers of either
> >> machine?

Rick, I can't help since you're using a windows mix. If you were a  pure 
linux house, sshfs is the bee's knee's. Once setup by installing the 
sshfs bits, making a root of the tree /sshnet directory, and generating 
and exchanging the ssh keys, its as simple as this 3 liner in 
my /etc/rc.local.

su gene -c "sshfs gene@shop:/ /sshnet/shop"
su gene -c "sshfs gene@lathe:/ /sshnet/lathe"
su gene -c "sshfs gene@GO704:/ /sshnet/GO704"

And anything I have user rights to is 100% available to me here on this 
machine. If I need root to do something, its as close as sudo.  In fact, 
my sim install here, uses the /sshnet/GO704/home/gene/linuxcnc/nc_files 
directory as its nc_files directory, so I can edit from here, a file on 
that machine and then go run it.  That link does NOT go away if I reboot 
one of those machines, or this one. No samba|cifs|nfs finickiness, it 
Just Works(TM).

I might add that because of the keys exchange, I am known instantly on 
those machines without having to enter my user pw, a simple
 "ssh -Y shop"
And I am logged into my home dir on the machine that runs the toy mill.

Whats not to like?

I outlawed winders on my property when I was still using an Amiga as my 
work machine.  That was in the 90's.  But I've been pure linux since 
about 1999 here. I don't miss the licensing headache called windows a 

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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