----- Original Message -----
From: "Marshland Engineering" <marshl...@marshland.co.nz>
To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 7:18:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Servos and Drives PID Values

Summary of replies

>It might work better with an inner speed loop and an outer position loop.
Not sure what this means.

Setting up a dual loop for a torque mode servo setup, would be having 2 PID 
loops, one feeding the next, to the drive.  You'd set up the first PID (the 
position loop) where Linuxcnc sends the position command to its command input, 
and the encoder signal to the feed back. The second loop is the velocity loop, 
and it receives the velocity signal from the position loop output as it's 
command input, and a velocity estimate as the feedback.  The velocity loops 
output is then the torque command signal that you send to the drive.

I have a machine set up this way and it works reasonably well.  I have the 
velocity loop PID loaded in a floating point base thread running at 5khz (as 
well as the read/write to the mesa card).   

I think a better solution for you would be to add tach feedback to the drives, 
if possible. 

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