How about three of these and three stepper drivers?

The push buttons are on/off and direction reverse. The switches could be 
removed and connected to remote momentary ones, combined with a bit of logic 
circuitry so that poking the one button starts the cycle and the direction 
switches flip-flop like a pair of 3-way light switches.

Turn the knobs to adjust the speeds of each motor so the motions finish 
End switch hit = release that axis controller ON switch and toggle direction 
switch. After all three end switches hit and their directions are toggled = 
reset the GO input to close all three axis ON switches when GO is pressed and 
released. You could even have the GO button reverse the direction of all three 
if pushed before a cycle is complete. Want fancier? Add a timer circuit so that 
if it's left at one end for X time, activate and return to the other end - with 
the GO/Reverse button locked out.

Once it's adjusted, put everything in a box so the knobs can't be fiddled with 
and put some connectors through the sides of the box to connect to the outside 
No computer needed, so it can't crash or have a software bug.
Oh, you could implement all the switch logic with an Arduino or other 
microcontroller, but that creates the possibility for having software bugs etc. 
Boring old TTL logic, once properly plotted out, will Just Work.
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