On 2016-10-29 23:17, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday 29 October 2016 11:17:15 andy pugh wrote:
>> On 29 October 2016 at 16:08, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
>>>  We have dozens of glues that can serve that purpose. Just fix them
>>> into a group of 4 and a teeny bit of go-2. put them in place on the
>>> header while the go-2 cures to fix them into a permanent group.
>> Did you see the Digikey link? Is it really worth it at 19 cents per
>> block?
> Yes, worth depends on the cost of the delay time in getting them.
> Right now it is a moot point:
> 1. I've spent most of the day changing out a broken electric window 
> regulator in my 99 GMC, 2nd time now, and while I had the door apart, 
> looking for why my outside mirrors have not been motor driveable since I 
> had the cab restored 2 years ago. No blown fuses in either panel, but 
> there isn't a drop of power anyplace on the multiconnector switch cable 
> plug to the armrest switches.
> That about wiped me out, and cost me a bucks worth of skin poking around 
> inside the door trying to plug in the tweeter for the doors radio 
> speakers, I was bound and determined to get it plugged in again without 
> removing the &%$# door panel again.
> Picking up the tools after giving up on the mirrors, I remembered the Toy 
> had a low tire light on the dash so I gauged the usual suspect and ran 
> it up another 23 lbs.  Wheels are rusting and the beads don't seal all 
> that well after a decade and 65k miles.
> So now I'm beat, and have declared its beer-thirty and I'm one of those 
> near beers sold as Miller 64 behind.  It does sorta taste like beer, but 
> only 2.8%. Half a stock tank of it for any effect IOW.
> 2. In the middle of all that, the mailman puttered on by and put that 
> Raspberry-pi 3 in the mailbox.  So, first things first, find or buy an 
> hdmi to vga or dvd-i cable since that Wallmart/AOC monitor I am going to 
> use on it does NOT have an hdmi input. As Jackie wore it out 40+ years 
> ago on tv, what a revoltin development that was.

Wow, you had a nice day. :)

> Then I need to dl the image to put on the u-sd cards I got 3 of, and see 
> if I can write those with the usb-universal memory card adapter I have.
> Once my 2nd pain pill for the day kicks in, I might go see what sort of 
> adapter cables I can get from Wallies.  If my giddyup comes back...  But 
> I can't see it off in the distance. :(
> And with those jumper cables I bought from amazon off the table till the 
> end of November, find something else a month quicker. Digi-Key probably.  
> Although mpja has single 40 wide female/female 8" long @ $3.95/copy, and 
> they have the hdmi stuff, click, click,,, be here Tuesday or 
> Wednesday. :)
So, some suggestions about "Start With Raspi" :


It's minimal raspian image and a good point to start.

#from now i will comment all non commands

#Copy the image to one of your sd-card with
# sudo dd if=<imagename> of=</dev/of-our-sdcardreader-without-partitionnumber> 
#ie: (please change the device!!!!!)
# get it with dmesg after plugging the cardreader with the sd

sudo dd if=2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/sdg bs=4096
sudo sync (not really necessary)

#You do not need a hdmi for the first steps if you have a dhcp-server in your 
#we are klingon tinkerer. ;)

#after the raspi has booted (blinking net leds) you can optain the ip with

#sudo nmap -sn (your subnet)

sudo nmap -sn <>

#then connect to the raspi:

ssh -Y pi@<raspi-ip>
    (passwd: raspberry)

#now on the raspi:

# and resize the fs to the size of your sd-card.
# http://elinux.org/RPi_Resize_Flash_Partitions
sudo raspi-config

#comment off

if this works further instructions are following soon.

> Thanks everybody.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

Much fun!


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