As I have written:

       The bit files are in:


    You need one of the 7i90_spi*.bit  files.
    Then you have to flash the card on your printer port with

    sudo ./mesaflash --verbose --epp --device 7i90 \
    --addr 0xd010 --addr_hi 0xd000 \
    --write configs/hostmot2/7i90_spi_svst4_8.bit

    Change the addr and the filename!
    grep the addr from  lspci -v.

The addr option depends on your system.
Maybe you can omit it and using the parport defaults.


On 2016-11-01 04:18, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings everybody;
> Surveying my system, thinking I can probably program this 7i90HD right on 
> this machine from its unused parport, I go traipsing into:
> /lib/modules/3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64/kernel/drivers/spi, and find I have a 
> choice of 3:
> spi-bitbang.ko  spi-butterfly.ko  spi-lm70llp.ko
> Now, since there is not a switch or jumper on the 7i90HD to turn its 26 
> pin port from one to the other modes, and there is not a discussion of 
> it in the 7i90HD pdf, I have to assume two things:
> 1. The 7i90HD is smart enough to tell whats driving it, and switch itself 
> accordingly.
> 2. That SPI can be done over an EPP parport.
> So that leaves me with a 3 choice fork in the road.
> Is linux smart enough that it will bitch constructively if I try to 
> modprobe the wrong one? spi-bitbang.ko sounds the most promising, but I 
> don't want to kill the port, or any kittens playing.
> Or is this pristine dirt I am about to walk on?
> modprobe spi-bitbang had no errors, and it shows up in an lsmod as not 
> linked to anything else. I would have assumed it would have grabbed 
> parport, but I rmmod'd that whole lp,etc chain without effecting it or 
> generating a fuss.
> Obviously I do not have a good grasp of what the heck it is that I'm 
> trying to do.
> Tutorials, links to tutorials, anybody?
> Thanks.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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