On 11/06/2016 12:12 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> You want the "export" to work under *your* shell.  Try the line
>> without the "sudo."  What shell are you running under?  #echo $shell?
> /bin/bash
>> Export is part of the bash/sh.  It'snot a standalone command.
> My bad, I had forgotten that.  Can I blame oldtimers?

Why certainly.  ;-)

>> The "synaptic-pkexec" is looking for the root password, not your sudo
>> passwordwhen you run it that way.  Have you tried sudo
>> synaptic-pkexec? You may have to edit /etc/sudoers to give your
>> account the privs to be able to run those commands.
> Thats all been done Mark, and I have, as user 1001, zero problems running
> anything else that needs root privs. I've even ran shadowconfig on after
> each addition while looking for a solution. Attr's are all 0755, it
> ought to Just Run.  But pam-authentification thinks otherwise.
> Thinking out loud, maybe I need to sudo bash, then su pi -c "yadda
> yadda".  Worth a try. Nope, pi can't open a display. Sigh.
> Thanks Mark
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

I ran into this problem once before.  There was an entry in one of the 
/etc/pam.d files that was causing me grief.  Don't remember what it 
was.  dmesg might have some clues as to what pam module(s) is/are not 
allowing the authentication to go through. Have you tried su'ing to root 
and running synaptic-pkexec?


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