I think, this topic does not belong to the devel-list, so I drop this to the 

On 2016-11-18 03:45, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings arm experts;
> Raspian has a showstopper in its package management dept.
> 1. In spite of being able to do about 99% of the stuff with sudo, over an 
> ssh -Y login, there is one glaring omission.  There is no reason even 
> when X is not running, why I shouldn't be able to run synaptic-pkexec 
> with it exporting the gui window to what ever machine I am logged into 
> it from.
> Except its asking for the root pw, and root doesn't have one.
> Sudo bash gets me root, but then root can't open the display, so I am 
> stuck with the text based apt.
> Does anyone have a suggestion for a fix?  Having a gui to manage packages 
> makes it a heck of a lot easier to do.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

Hi Gene,

'm back again from illness.

Hack in your remote console:

    sudo apt-get install gksu

enter in the "Run:" field


click "OK".....


Have fun.

Cheers Matsche.

"In der Wissenschaft siegt nie eine neue Theorie,
nur ihre Gegner sterben nach und nach"

Max Planck

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