On 02/02/2017 09:34 AM, Kirk Wallace wrote:
> On 02/02/2017 07:02 AM, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
> ... snip
>> 2.  The LinuxCNC Huanyang driver only works with the older style of
>> Huanyang VFDs.  It does not work with the newer GT-series models.  I'm
>> working on a new driver for Huanyang GT VFDs, but it's not ready yet.
> Did you have a plan or an overview of the update. I could look at it so
> then two of us probably won't get around to it.

The GT-series use a totally different wire protocol from the earlier 
non-GT VFDs.  Huanyang's manuals calls both protocols "Modbus", but the 
older non-GT VFD protocol is definitely not Modbus, it's some unique 
protocol Huanyang made up.  It was reverse engineered by someone named 
"scotta" on CNC Zone, for which we owe a debt of gratitude.

The Huanyang GT-series VFDs implement Modbus correctly, so they will be 
much easier to write a driver for.

The VFD we got unfortunately lacked the switch on the circuit board that 
enables Modbus ("SW1"), instead it had a jumper wire there disabling 
Modbus.  Wat.  After communicating with Huanyang we desoldered this 
jumper wire and soldered it back in the "enable Modbus" position, and 
that got it communicating.

So now it's just a small matter of programming, and writing some docs on 
how to modify the hardware to allow it to communicate via Modbus.  I 
should have something ready for testing in a few weeks.

Those Huanyang VFDs sure are inexpensive, but they're also the most 
wonky and obstinate VFDs I've ever worked with.

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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