On 02/10/2017 03:59 PM, Jim Craig wrote:
> So my questions are as follows. What type of power supply would I need
> to use for doing small hole EDM drilling? Can I use a tig welder as the
> power supply and control pulsing with LinuxCNC driving an external IGBT?
TIG is constant current, and generally way more than you 
need. IGBTs are good for 400+ Volts, MOSFETs make more sense 
below that.
> Could I use the Mesa THC to control gap of the electrode to the workpiece?
> It appears that spindles don't need to rotate very fast. What type of
> rpm do the spindles typically run at?
The problem is EDM is very slow.  Your holes would take at 
the least, several minutes each.  But, they'd be pretty clean.
You ought to get in touch with Ben Fleming, he demoed a 
pulser EDM system at some of the CNC workshops in Ann Arbor 
a few years ago.


He has a book and a circuit board, and you can build it in a 
couple weekends.  It was VERY cool to watch it work!


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