On Wednesday 22 February 2017 12:59:30 Jon Elson wrote:

> On 02/22/2017 07:39 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Are in fact 60mm's in diameter, which as another poster said is near
> > ideal. They must be some sort of a magnetic device internally as the
> > detenting is done by the cogging of something magnetic with very
> > little actual friction. Finer resolution and many times the quality
> > of the Panasonic dials I've lifted from old editing controllers. 
> > Well worth the sheckels IMO.
> >
> > Question, since I've yet to cable one up to test it, what with the
> > wife here and needing more of my attention now, how does "motion"
> > handle the accumulated cranking these can accumulate in their
> > encoder modules when the machine is being homed/rehomed?
> Not sure what you are asking.  There is a possibility to
> "overrun" the axis velocity limit and have it continue to
> move when you stop cranking.  If you quickly crank back you
> can stop the axis.  Once you have experienced this, you
> learn how fast to crank.  I have the hal files set up to
> require a button being pushed to enable the encoder to drive
> the axis.  So, cranking the dial when the button is NOT
> pushed has NO effect.  I think this is a lot safer, as I
> have bumped the dial many times when setting up, and am glad
> it did not cause machine movement.  See the file :
> configs/by_interface/pico/univpwmv/pendant.hal
> These encoders will give 400 counts/rev in quadrature, so
> there are some scale factors to make the dial graduations
> come out right. That file doesn't have the extra lines to
> control spindle override and feedrate override, which I now
> have.  Also, the ilowpass is a custom component that smooths
> the integer encoder counts so it doesn't buzz the servos.
> Jon

Good points Jon, thanks. Marked Important for FFR. 

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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