More good considerations Chris, John, Dave, Gregg, and all!

I do see the possibility of tilting the mount base to match the tilt and 
skew of our part fixture, thereby reducing the number of needed degrees 
of freedom for the robot.  We also considered that we have X, Y, and 
rotary A movement of the machine to assist in positioning as well, 
although I can see that complicating things as it would multiply the 
hand-offs between controllers.  We should be able to mount the magazine 
carousel wherever, but desire easy access.

The weight of our parts are quite light - maximum less than one ounce.  
We have a fair amount of room within the enclosure of the machine, and 
should be able to fit this stuff fairly close to where the machine 
fixture parks.  If it were light and rugged enough, it could ride on the 

To Dave's suggestions about utilizing pneumatics - I'm sure that could 
be done; stops controlling the travels.  Would it really be easier, or 
is the way to make it simple just to have a 6 axis robot to handle any need?

I am going to see what cad modeling can tell us about keeping it 
simple.  If that leads us to a low enough cost it could rationalize 
getting it done sooner.  I'll also consider the idea of bringing in 
sales/consultation, as it could be considerably less time, trouble and 
cost compared to hard-knocking it.  Thanks again!

Andy Evans
Evans Precision Tooling Incorporated

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