On 06/20/2017 07:13 AM, Todd Zuercher wrote:

I wish that were true.  For some reason my analog servo machine trips up and 
sets a following error on an axis about 25% of the time when trying to home to 
index for the first time after turning on LInuxcnc. (Almost every time since it 
is a 4 axis machine.)  But the alarm is easily cleared, and it always homes 
fine the 2nd try.  I have never been able to figure out why, and no one else 
seems to have been able to replicate the problem.

You should be able to track signals such as encoder position and INDEX_ENABLE with Halscope and capture the events when this happens. Homing does cause a discontinuity in the PID, which is only masked on following error and P. The PID output gets a bit of a bump due to the D term. Since it is usually moving quite slowly during the final home to index move, that shouldn't be enough to trip errors. You could try lowing the final move and see if that helps. I occasionally get a servo amp fault just as the index is detected for this reason. Pretty rare, so I have ignored it.


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