Greetings everybody;

I've gotten so used to mesa and it pullups on everything so that a true 
signal is a grounded wire, that I wired up the switches that way and 
thats all sealed up behind the switch mounting assembly.  So I look it 
up in my hal file to see which input is which gpio, and hook it all up 
just as if I was smart enough to know what the heck I'm doing.  Signal 
out of the gpio is false and stays false regardless of switch 
open/closed state.

%#@^&*+)(%$# mach bob. It not only doesn't have a pullup on the input 
moc's, the sonofabeech hasn't even got ground continuity from the power 
ground elsewhere on the board, to the gnd next to the input pins!!!!!

IOW the input circuits are 100% opto isolated from the real world and I 
assume one has to rig an external supply, or at the very least waste 
some heat in small r's to pull them up, and short the pullup to ground 
with my switches to turn them off.

I have 3 other bobs, but I'd have to make a whole new box to house them 
as they are 2 to 6x the square size of this one.

Does anyone know the value of resistor to use as a pullup? Those are 
pretty teeny little 4 pin moc's. Enough to turn them on with a fudge 
factor but not enough to blow them at a 100% duty cycle? With a 5 volt 
supply assumed.

Thanks everybody.

Cheers, Gene Heskett

"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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