I got problem, parameter value is not assigned then rtapi_app_main(...) 
function is called. The is the usual problem, I have to sleep and go to work 

On Sun, 10 Mar 2019 12:45:06 -0700
"John Dammeyer" <jo...@autoartisans.com> wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Nicklas Karlsson [mailto:nicklas.karlsso...@gmail.com]
> > On Sun, 10 Mar 2019 09:45:02 -0700
> > "John Dammeyer" <jo...@autoartisans.com> wrote:
> > 
> > > Not all devices allow changing the PDO Mapping entries.  Some of them
> > first require setting the unit into a programming mode.  Then you write to
> > those locations.  Then send a save command.  On power up the device fills
> > them in itself.   You need to use SDOs to change those locations so you will
> > get back an RDO that shows success or failure.
> > > Others don't let you change them at all.
> > 
> > It will work as long as the mapping entries are possible to read. For
> > meaningful names and it is also neccessary to read an eds file, otherwise
> > there will be only numbers.
> Well yes and no.
> For example let's take a look at an object dictionary for a RPDO:  Here I 
> read each of the RPDO3 OD locations of Node 0x1A.
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:55:34,r,0A,1402:00,05,(5)                         We have 
> 5 entries
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:55:36,r,0A,1402:01,0000041A,( 1050)               It 
> responds to 0x41A
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:55:39,r,0A,1402:02,FF,(255)                       
> Processed immediately
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:55:41,r,0A,1402:03,0000,(0)                       No 
> inhibit time
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:55:44,r,0A,1402:04,06090011,(101253137)   Invalid read 
> error
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:55:46,r,0A,1402:05,0000,(0)                       Event 
> timer is not used
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:55:57,r,0A,1602:00,03,(3)                         The 
> RPDO will have three values
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:56:08,r,0A,1602:01,60710010,( 1618018320) The first two 
> bytes go to 0x6071:00
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:56:11,r,0A,1602:02,60010008,( 1610678280) The next byte 
> goes to 0x6001:00
> ###6###,19/03/10,10:56:15,r,0A,1602:03,22720020,( 577896480)  The last 4 
> bytes go to 0x2272:00
> The user manual for this battery charger lists 0x6001 as the charger enable.
> Location 0x6071 is a 16 bit signed scaled value of Charger Set Current.
> Location 2272 is a 32 bit signed scaled value of Charger Set Voltage.
> All of these locations are R/W and as long as the charger receives a 
> heartbeat from the CANopen Master.  Rather than send three SDO messages with 
> corresponding RDO replies  they are all packed into one PDO.
> These values in the PDO configuration are normally set by the factory 
> including the NodeID 0x1A.  A USB dongle is plugged into it to configure 
> firmware upgrades, configuration and set the node ID.  An EDS file isn't 
> required.  But is really interesting when captured by the right kind of tool 
> such as one from port.de
> ; This EDS file was created by the CANopen Design Tool
> ; port GmbH Halle/Saale Germany, http://www.port.de, mailto:serv...@port.de
> This tool can query a CANopen device and create a complete map of what is 
> what.  Of course you'd still have to know what is in 6071 and what the 
> scaling would be and the OD doesn't tell you that.
> Here's a command to the charger from my system master as reported in logging 
> mode.
> Tx141A773010100700000
> Broken apart it's 
> Tx1 41A 7 7301 01 00700000
> Tx1 means 11 bit ID transmitted from Channel 1
> 41A is the 11 bit ID for node 0x1A
> There are 7 bytes
> The first data value is 0x0173 and from above that's a scaled current setting
> The second data value is 0x01 which means the charger is enabled.
> The third data value is 0x00007000 which is a scaled voltage setting.
> This is all just done with a tool that reads from the CAN bus and formats the 
> output knowing that the messages are CANopen.  Once you know how the stuff is 
> organized any CANopen module is like an open book.
> John Dammeyer
> http://www.autoartisans.com
> > 
> > Nicklas Karlsson
> > 
> > 
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