Nicklas, as soon as a lead-acid battery bubbles, it's losing water and the plates cover with lead sulphate, increasing capacity and intrinsic resistance. No, no. I got myself a handful of cheap 74N137 stabilizers. These are made espacially by Motorola to maintain a constant charging voltage of 13.7 V which is the exact limit before the gassing occurs. The current they deliver is limited to 1 A. I placed them inside the housing of several 12 V DC wall warts together with a small electrolytic capacitor. The transformers of these little power supplies give more than 15 V AC so there is enough headroom for regulating. Using those chargers the batteries of my vehicles are kept in perfect shape all winter and in summer, too, when the tractor is not in use. I have been using them for years now.

Am 17.03.2019 um 22:56 schrieb Nicklas Karlsson:
I am familiar with CANopen communication and also to some degree battery charging. The old style open Lead-acid batteries should bubble like home brewn mash before they are done.
Nicklas Karlsson

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