I am currently building an off-grid solar generation and storage system which have controllers using Modbus, so I may be active with Modbus again soon. If so, I will try to address your issues below and add any new information to the LinuxCNC wiki as I get it. Spring tends to need much weed whacking, brush clearing and yard equipment maintenance, so no promises.

On 2/6/20 11:02 AM, John Dammeyer wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: andy pugh [mailto:bodge...@gmail.com]
Sent: February-06-20 10:29 AM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Homann Designs ModIO

On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 18:23, John Dammeyer <jo...@autoartisans.com>

So maybe what is needed is a "MODbus and LinuxCNC for Dummies"
document that takes one through the steps of connecting a MODbus device
like a ModIO or a Servo Drive with published MODBus register descriptions all
through to using them in the HAL and even including display information on
the Axis Screen.

Have you seen: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.8/html/drivers/mb2hal.html

Option 3 looks interesting.
If someone submitted that page to a magazine as an article on how to use MB2HAL 
do you think an editor would publish it as is?

Whether it be Elektor Magazine, Circuit Cellar Magazine, Nuts and Volts,  
Everyday Practical Electronics, Home Shop Machiist, Model Engineer's Workshop, 
etc.  the format leaves way too much to be learned in other places.

The page doesn't stand alone.  So it's a great reference for those who already 
know how to do it.  Not so much for someone who doesn't.  And once one knows 
how to do it, it's hard to take a step backwards to when they didn't.

For example from that document.
#Using HAL_MODULE_NAME=mb2hal or nothing (default): loadusr -W mb2hal 

Is the loadusr command entered in the HAL file, the INI file or entered on the 
command line.  Should LinuxCNC be running if it's entered on the command line?

If the example config file named mb2hal.ini?  I see loadrt commands in the .hal 
file for my parallel port implementation.  I don't see any load files of type 

In my parallel port hal file I have the line.
# -- Modbus support --
#loadrt classicladder_rt numPhysInputs=15 numPhysOutputs=15 numS32in=10 
numS32out=10 numFloatIn=10 numFloatOut=10

Now what?

The display on the RHS of the AXIS screen in that page I referenced I believe 
is created with the XML file.  That's missing too.

See what I mean.  Way more questions than answers.


"A motorcycle is a bicycle with a pandemonium attachment and is
designed for the especial use of mechanical geniuses, daredevils and
� George Fitch, Atlanta Constitution Newspaper, 1912

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