The BASE_PERIOD value is in nanoseconds and the clue is _PERIOD which is the 
inverse of FREQUENCY.  
1000Hz => 1/1000 = 0.001 or 1000 microseconds.  
2000Hz => 1/2000 = 0.0005 or 500 microseconds.

As the frequency gets higher, the period gets smaller.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Henderson []
> Sent: May-08-20 4:42 AM
> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Fluctuating RPM using CUI ATM 10 encoder
> Jon,
> Yours is 24,000 and equals to 41.6667kHz? Mine is 100,000 and equates to 10 
> kHz.  I�m confused by your math here? Thanks.
> Sent from my iPad
> > On May 7, 2020, at 9:39 PM, John Dammeyer <> wrote:
> >
> > ?
> >>
> >> From: Dan Henderson []
> >
> >> Thanks for that Jon. That helps explain this a bit further. I believe the
> >> base period in the ini is set to 100,000. Not sure if that is nS or u
> >> value? Can this be change to suit or is it tied to the speed of the system?
> >
> > Hi Dan,
> > All of my comments are based on what I think I've learned so far.  If 
> > anyone else sees an error please correct me.
> >
> > It's in nano-seconds and it's pretty big on your system and works out to 
> > 10kHz.  That's the max step rate you will get from your
> system as long as you have the addf parport.0.reset base-thread.  Otherwise 
> the max step rate is half that.
> >
> > You generally get that value from running the program that tests your 
> > system for latency.  The jitter you get from that test will
> change how accurate that 24uS period actually is.
> >
> > From my INI file
> > BASE_PERIOD = 24000  <-- This is 24,000 nS or 24uS or 0.000024 seconds and 
> > equivalent to 41.6667kHz.
> > SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000 <-- this is 1 million nano-seconds or 1mS equivalent 
> > to 1kHz.
> >
> > So what does it mean?
> > From your HAL file.
> >
> > loadrt trivkins
> > loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT base_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]BASE_PERIOD 
> > servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD
> num_joints=[TRAJ]AXES
> > loadrt hal_parport cfg="0xe000 out 0xe800 out"
> > loadrt stepgen step_type=0,0,0
> > loadrt encoder num_chan=1
> > loadrt abs count=1
> > loadrt scale count=1
> > loadrt lowpass count=1
> > loadrt near
> > loadrt pwmgen output_type=1
> >
> > Inside each of these files is a function called
> > int rtapi_app_main(void) {...}
> >
> > In that function the command line arguments like step_type are parsed and 
> > default values are set up. Here's how the Parallel
> port read function is configured.
> >    /* make read function name */
> >    rtapi_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "", n);
> >    /* export read function */
> >               retval = hal_export_funct(name, read_port, 
> > &(port_data_array[n]),0, 0, comp_id);
> > with the names of the functions you add later in the HAL file with commands 
> > like:
> >
> > addf base-thread
> >
> > each addf function with base-thread as an argument must run to completion 
> > in less than 24uS on my system or there won't be
> time for anything else.    Each of these programs, generally found in the 
> src/hal or src/emc path.
> >
> > The ones marked servo-thread  run once every SERVO_PERIOD which is set at  
> > 1mS.
> >
> > The PID runs once per 1mS.  The stepgen runs every 24uS on my system.
> >
> > Hopefully this helps.  So you know the 'why' rather than just do this and 
> > tell us what happened.
> >
> > John Dammeyer
> >
> >>
> >>> On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 6:54 PM John Dammeyer <> 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> If you look at the source code for "encoders.c" John Kasunich's excellent
> >>> documentation says this:
> >>>
> >>>    "The driver exports variables for each counters inputs and output.
> >>>    It also exports two functions.  "encoder.update-counters" must be
> >>>    called in a high speed thread, at least twice the maximum desired
> >>>    count rate.  "encoder.capture-position" can be called at a much
> >>>    slower rate, and updates the output variables."
> >>>
> >>> So if your encoder provides a quadrature count of 200 lines (800
> >>> quadrature) and you turn that spindle at 4700 RPM (78.3333RPS) then 800
> >>> pulses/turn * 78.33333 turns/sec  = 62.666KHz so your BASE_PERIOD must be
> >>> at least 125kHz (8,000 nS)
> >>>
> >>> In your working example 1200 RPM is 20 RPS * 800 = 16,000 and twice that
> >>> is 32,000Hz (31,250 nS BASE_PERIOD).
> >>> What is your BASE_PERIOD set at in your INI file?
> >>>
> >>> Work it backwards.  For example my PP HAL file says 24,000nS for the BASE
> >>> THREAD (41,667kHz).  Assuming I have a 200 line encoder on the spindle 
> >>> then
> >>> 41,667kHz/2=20,8333 and divided by 800 = 26 RPS or 1562 RPM.  Since I want
> >>> to turn my spindle up to 3000 RPM that means either I have to decrease the
> >>> BASE_PERIOD (increase frequency)  or reduce the spindle encoder count to
> >>> about 100.
> >>>
> >>> That means I need no more than 100 slots per rev on a disk.  That's doable
> >>> and from what I've read lots of people can thread with that.
> >>>
> >>> And, Sam Sokolik has been able to do rudimentary hex holes (although
> >>> slowly) with less than that.
> >>>
> >>> Now since I have a MESA 7i92H all the numbers will change.  I've not yet
> >>> looked at the MESA software.
> >>>
> >>> Haven't even really followed the entire path from a
> >>> G33.1 Z-0.55 K0.025
> >>> to the Z axis motion in steps/second tracking spindle RPM.
> >>>
> >>> John Dammeyer
> >>>
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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