document lists this example code with a footnote on the use of encoder.3

"In this example, we will assume that some encoders have already been issued to 
axes/joints 0, 1, and 2. So the next encoder available for us to attach to the 
spindle would be number 3. Your situation may differ. "

The document isn't clear to me on this.  If I do not have encoders issued for 
axes/joints 0,1,2 then can the spindle use encoer.0?  Or are those numbers 
reserved for the existing axis anyway?  Which I guess doesn't make sense 
because then there would also have to be encoders for axis a,b & c and the 
spindle would start at 6.  I've probably answered my own question.

But if the spindle encoder is declared in the hal file first, as encoder.0, 
does that make x,y & z then encoder.1, encoder.2 and encoder.3?  

Or by default if encoders are used with x,y &z are they then by default 0,1 & 
2?  And even if declared in the hal file in a different order must be allocated 
as 0, 1 & 2?

Enquiring minds need to know.

# add the encoder to HAL and attach it to threads.
loadrt encoder num_chan=1
addf encoder.update-counters base-thread
addf encoder.capture-position servo-thread

# set the HAL encoder to 100 pulses per revolution.
setp encoder.3.position-scale 100

# set the HAL encoder to non-quadrature simple counting using A only.
setp encoder.3.counter-mode true

# connect the HAL encoder outputs to LinuxCNC.
net spindle-position encoder.3.position => motion.spindle-revs
net spindle-velocity encoder.3.velocity => motion.spindle-speed-in
net spindle-index-enable encoder.3.index-enable <=> motion.spindle-index-enable

# connect the HAL encoder inputs to the real encoder.
net spindle-phase-a encoder.3.phase-A <=
net spindle-phase-b encoder.3.phase-B
net spindle-index encoder.3.phase-Z <=

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