I would swap A phase with B phase this should correct count direction.
Scott H

    On Sunday, July 19, 2020, 6:16:57 PM CDT, Jon Elson 
<el...@pico-systems.com> wrote:  
 On 07/19/2020 03:59 PM, Matthew Herd wrote:
> Hi all,
> I made my first attempt at using spindle synchronized motion for a rigid 
> tapping operation on my Bridgeport BOSS mill today and it didn’t go as 
> planned.  It has a spindle encoder and a Pico USC board.  I can use the 
> spindle to read encoder counts and spindle position (I already use PYVCP to 
> show me spindle speed).  However, G33.1 produces unusual results and doesn’t 
> seem to work properly.  It appears that the down feed works properly, but the 
> spindle either never reverses or reverses very slowly and the synchronized 
> motion on retract doesn’t appear to reliably track the spindle motion.  In 
> several tests, it either retracts while still turning clockwise, appears to 
> retract faster than the counter-clockwise speed would allow, or just doesn’t 
> retract at all.  According to the g code reference page, 
> motion.spindle-at-speed and encoder.n.phase-Z must be connected in HAL.  I 
> don’t have spindle-at-speed hooked up, but am using rigid tapping sample HAL 
> from Pico Systems, with the encoder connected to motion.spindle-revs.
encoder.n.phase-Z does not exist on the Pico boards.  Z 
(index) cannot be seen directly, it can only be detected by 
index-enable going from true to false, and the encoder 
position count going to zero.

Wow.  First, make sure that the value fed to scale the 
spindle encoder is correct.  It should be equal to the 
number of quadrature counts/rev of the spindle (4X the 
number of "lines" on the encoder). It should look something 
like this:
setp ppmc.0.encoder.03.scale 6912

The connection to LinuxCNC looks like this on my system :
net spindle-pos  ppmc.0.encoder.03.position  spindle.0.revs

The names might have been changed in newer versions.

You should look at ppmc.0.encoder.03.velocity with Halscope 
(or even Halmeter) to make sure this signal is properly 
registering the spindle rotation.  With the correct scaling 
factor, velocity should equal 60 at 3600 RPM (60 
revs/second) and ppmc.0.encoder.03.position should count up 
at 60 counts/second.
If the velocity shows negative when the spindle is running 
"forward" then change the arithmetic sign of the encoder 
scale to a minus number.  The velocity should show an 
opposite sign when the spindle direction is reversed, and 
the position should count in the opposite direction.  If 
not, something is quite wrong with the encoder or how it is 

> I attempted to troubleshoot using this references:
> https://forum.linuxcnc.org/27-driver-boards/26275-spindle-encoder-on-pico-usc 
> <https://forum.linuxcnc.org/27-driver-boards/26275-spindle-encoder-on-pico-usc>
> I ran a halcmd sets on the spindle index enable and it reset counts to zero 
> immediately.  spindle index enable remained false and fiddling with halscope 
> wasn’t ever successful in showing a change from false to true while playing 
> with G33 commands, etc.  I’m not sure what to try next.
the correct connection is :
net spindle-index-en    ppmc.0.encoder.03.index-enable 

All of the above examples assume USC channel # 3 is used for 
the spindle, if different change the .03. to
whatever is needed.

The spindle index is only enabled once at the beginning of 
the spindle synchronized move.
I think the trajectory planner sets it true, and when the 
PPMC hardware detects a rising edge on the index input, it 
clears index-enable, and zeroes the position count.  So, one 
part of the system sets this bit true, and the ppmc driver 
sets it false.

In general, if the index is not working, LinuxCNC should 
hang forever waiting for index-enable to go false.  But, 
maybe if it is not hooked up at all, the behavior is different.


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