On Thu, 23 Jul 2020 at 09:22, John Dammeyer <jo...@autoartisans.com> wrote:

> Not ignoring you at all.  Just waiting for an idea for the math that leads to 
> calculating MAX_ACCELERATION in the ini file given the parameters I've 
> mentioned before.

I think that the problem is treating the motor as an ideal torque
source. It has inertia, it has inductance, it has a non-linear
current-torque graph and it has back-emf.

I think that the approach most likely to yield success here is a
discrete time-stepping approach, starting with calculating the motor

At any time dI/dt = (Vs - Vb) / L where Vs is supply voltage, Vb is
back-emf and L is the motor inductance.
We can calculate Vb from the nameplate:  Vb = rated-voltage * (
actual-rpm / rated-rpm )

Start from time=0:
Time (t) = 0, current (I) = 0, Vi = 180, motor speed, revs per sec(R)
= 0, Vb = 0, torque (T) = 0

I += L * (Vs - Vb) dt

Use the motor torque rating graph to calculate torque for the new I.
Or calculate proportionally from rated torque / rated current.

We now know the instantaneous torque from the motor. Part of this goes
to overcome rotary inertia, part goes to overcome linear inertia.
Ideally you match these (which is why servo motors come in low, medium
and high inertia variants)

Generally speaking, with W = speed in radians/sec
(1) dW/dt = 2pi dR/dt =  T/J, so we need an equivalent J (moment of
inertia) for the table linear motion. for a table speed V and
leadscrew pitch P (in mm or in, not tpi):

(2) dR/dt =  dV/dt / P
Inertial force = M.dV/dt
As already derived F/T = 2pi/P
M dV/dt / T  = 2pi/P
Substitute dV/dt (2) => M P dR/dt = 2pi T / P
Re-arrange to look like (1)
M P dW/dt / 2pi = 2pi T / P
dW/dt = T (4 pi^2 / M P^2)  => T / (M P^2 / 4 pi^2)   ....... I am
unhappy with this, you rarely see a pi^2 term.

So now we can say that the equivalent moment of inertia of the table
(Je) = M P^2 / 4pi^2

Combining motor inertia (Jm) and table inertia (Je)

dW / dt = T / (Jm + Je)

R += (T / 2pi(Jm + Je) ) dt     ...... There is an 8 pi ^ 3 in there
now, I think I got something wrong...

V = PR

And loop back, calculating the new Vb, the new I, new T and so on.

I am confident in the physics here, less so in my algebraic
manipulations, specifically the 2pi which I feel should have cancelled
rather than squared somewhere. It might be better to re-work in
radians/sec throughout.
I am a little surprised to see P^2, but that has to be a factor. I had
that cancel and re-thought (2) Consider a pitch of zero.....

"A motorcycle is a bicycle with a pandemonium attachment and is
designed for the especial use of mechanical geniuses, daredevils and
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