> Hi,
> TinyG is supposed to have S curve accel and limited jerk. It might be 
> worth looking at for approach. Should be easy since it is pretty much 
> linuxcnc but embedded.
> Just a comment following up on an earlier post; maybe a week ago or so.
> Just poking the bear. :-)
> Dave

Forgot about the limit3 function. If instant values are fed to the PWM limit3 
motion or actually close to limit3 function because of imperfections is what I 
would expect then measuring position. To get good following accuracy input 
signal must follow what motor actually could achieve so this limitation must be 
before positions i fed to control looop, the PID regulator and not after. 
Limiting the PWM signal will limit what motor could actually achieve and most 
probably will increase following accuracy then motion is not smooth. If smooth 
movement is needed then situation might be different, harder to tell.

Nicklas Karlsson

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