
this is probably a rookie question, but sometime when I do a "Touch Off",  the Z-position indeed becomes 0,  but the X and Y are not.   Then in teh axis program, it will still go to the "first" spot where it needs to start milling, and in the  drawing it fllows the correct lines/pattern,  but since the tuch off wasn't in the origin (0, 0, 0) on the actual workpiece/part the machining is off (and consequently goes out of the material, and starts milling air at some point.

I am wondering why that happens?   Is that a mistake I sometimes make in Freecad, or is that something I do wrong touching off? (I am fairly sure it is not a bug).

How can I make sure that I am actually touching off at (0, 0, 0) ?



(sorry if I have some terminology incorrect, but you know ... rookie here.)

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