My first guess when I see oscillating velocity is that the PID controller
needs to be tuned.    The simplest method is to set I and D to zero then
increase "P" until you notice some oscillation then back off some.    It
seems that the first step is already done for you.   If this is an open
loop stepper then obviously I'm guessing wrong.

On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 12:21 PM Viesturs Lācis <>

> Hello!
> I did that. Long story short, the problem is still there. The motion
> is still not smooth, it is oscillating the machine.
> Any ideas, what to look for? Could it be related to overall
> performance of PC? I have got "unexpected realtime delay" warning
> message with standart 1ms servo thread period length, so I suspect
> that there is a room for optimization as it is some kind of dual-core
> Celerons and 4gb of RAM. I bought the parts this summer, so the
> motherboard should not be outdated. Now that I think about it, when I
> jog the machine and release the arrow key, it continues for at least
> full second, if not more, before it actually starts to decelerate.
> Nicklas, what do you mean with autorepeat?
> Viesturs
> pirmd., 2020. g. 9. nov., plkst. 00:30 — lietotājs Peter C. Wallace
> (<>) rakstīja:
> >
> > I would start over with a pncconf created configuration
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 9 Nov 2020, Viesturs L?cis wrote:
> >
> > > Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2020 00:00:55 +0200
> > > From: "[UTF-8] Viesturs L?cis" <>
> > > Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
> > >     <>
> > > To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <
> > > Subject: [Emc-users] Velocity fluctuating, when I try to jog the
> machine
> > >
> > > Hello!
> > >
> > > I am stuck on a problem that I cannot figure out.
> > > Please take a look here:
> > > It should be steady jogging back and forth at 1074 mm/min. The motor
> > > is not moving at a constant pace and I noticed that the DRO also shows
> > > that the velocity is not steady. So that tells me that my wiring is ok
> > > and there is no interference with step signals or whatever, but the
> > > software is to blame.
> > > Where should I start looking for the cause?
> > > And then there are 2 more sidequestions (that might have arised only
> > > because there have been 5 or 6 years since my previous LinuxCNC build,
> > > so I might just missed something obvious):
> > > The machine has 7i96 board. I need to use 2 outputs. How do I find
> > > their corresponding HAL pin names? Previously I would just "setp
> > > 1" and then try to switch that output and see, if
> > > it worked or no, but here for 7i96 I saw that some gpio pins are
> > > inputs only, but the thing is that my counting suggests that those
> > > should be the outputs.
> > > And the second question is about creating gantry config. How do I do
> > > that with the new gentrivkins? I have AXIS=Y for joints 1 and 3, but
> > > that is not enough.
> > >
> > > Viesturs
> > >
> > > P.S. Here are the INI and HAL files:
> > > # This file was created with the 7i96 Wizard on Dec 23 2018 15:02:21
> > > # Changes to most things are ok and will be read by the wizard
> > >
> > > [EMC]
> > > VERSION = 1.1
> > > MACHINE = A.V.U. Plazma
> > > DEBUG = 0x00000000
> > >
> > > [HOSTMOT2]
> > > DRIVER = hm2_eth
> > > IPADDRESS = ""
> > > BOARD = 7i96
> > > STEPGENS = 3
> > > ENCODERS = 1
> > > SSERIAL_PORT = 0
> > >
> > > [DISPLAY]
> > > DISPLAY = axis
> > > CYCLE_TIME = 0.1
> > > INTRO_GRAPHIC = emc2.gif
> > > INTRO_TIME = 0
> > > OPEN_FILE = ""
> > >
> > > [KINS]
> > > KINEMATICS = trivkins
> > > JOINTS = 4
> > >
> > > [EMCIO]
> > > EMCIO = io
> > > CYCLE_TIME = 0.100
> > > TOOL_TABLE = tool.tbl
> > >
> > > [RS274NGC]
> > > PARAMETER_FILE = plasma.var
> > >
> > > [EMCMOT]
> > > EMCMOT = motmod
> > > SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000
> > >
> > > [TASK]
> > > TASK = milltask
> > > CYCLE_TIME = 0.010
> > >
> > > [TRAJ]
> > > LINEAR_UNITS = metric
> > > ANGULAR_UNITS = degree
> > > MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 150.00
> > >
> > > [HAL]
> > > HALFILE = hm2-stepper.hal
> > > # HALFILE = io.hal
> > > # HALFILE = custom.hal
> > > # HALFILE = postgui.hal
> > >
> > > [HALUI]
> > >
> > > [AXIS_X]
> > > MIN_LIMIT = -10.0
> > > MAX_LIMIT = 3050.0
> > > MAX_VELOCITY = 200.0
> > > MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0
> > >
> > > [AXIS_Y]
> > > MIN_LIMIT = -10.0
> > > MAX_LIMIT = 1650.0
> > > MAX_VELOCITY = 200.0
> > > MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0
> > >
> > > [AXIS_Z]
> > > MIN_LIMIT = -10.01
> > > MAX_LIMIT = 250.0
> > > MAX_VELOCITY = 15.0
> > > MAX_ACCELERATION = 400.0
> > >
> > > [AXIS_A]
> > > MIN_LIMIT = -10.0
> > > MAX_LIMIT = 1650.0
> > > MAX_VELOCITY = 200.0
> > > MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0
> > >
> > >
> > > [JOINT_0]
> > > AXIS = X
> > > MIN_LIMIT = -10.0
> > > MAX_LIMIT = 3050.0
> > > MAX_VELOCITY = 200.0
> > > MAX_ACCELERATION = 550.0
> > > SCALE = 50.9295817894065
> > > STEPGEN_MAX_VEL = 260.0
> > > STEPGEN_MAX_ACC = 600.0
> > > FERROR = 0.5
> > > MIN_FERROR = 0.3
> > >
> > > DIRSETUP = 6000
> > > DIRHOLD = 6000
> > > STEPLEN = 2700
> > > STEPSPACE = 2700
> > >
> > > HOME = 0.0
> > > HOME_OFFSET = 0.0
> > > HOME_USE_INDEX = False
> > >
> > >
> > > [JOINT_1]
> > > AXIS = Y
> > > MIN_LIMIT = -10.0
> > > MAX_LIMIT = 1650.0
> > > MAX_VELOCITY = 200.0
> > > MAX_ACCELERATION = 550.0
> > > SCALE = 50.9295817894065
> > > STEPGEN_MAX_VEL = 260.0
> > > STEPGEN_MAX_ACC = 600.0
> > > FERROR = 0.5
> > > MIN_FERROR = 0.3
> > >
> > > DIRSETUP = 6000
> > > DIRHOLD = 6000
> > > STEPLEN = 2700
> > > STEPSPACE = 2700
> > >
> > > HOME = 0.0
> > > HOME_OFFSET = 0.0
> > > HOME_USE_INDEX = False
> > >
> > >
> > > [JOINT_2]
> > > AXIS = Z
> > > MIN_LIMIT = -10.01
> > > MAX_LIMIT = 250.0
> > > MAX_VELOCITY = 15.0
> > > MAX_ACCELERATION = 500.0
> > > SCALE = -160
> > > STEPGEN_MAX_VEL = 18.0
> > > STEPGEN_MAX_ACC = 600.0
> > > FERROR = 0.5
> > > MIN_FERROR = 0.3
> > >
> > > DIRSETUP = 6000
> > > DIRHOLD = 6000
> > > STEPLEN = 2700
> > > STEPSPACE = 2700
> > >
> > > HOME = 0.0
> > > HOME_OFFSET = 0.0
> > > HOME_USE_INDEX = False
> > >
> > >
> > > [JOINT_3]
> > > AXIS = Y
> > > MIN_LIMIT = -10.0
> > > MAX_LIMIT = 1650.0
> > > MAX_VELOCITY = 200.0
> > > MAX_ACCELERATION = 550.0
> > > SCALE = -50.9295817894065
> > > STEPGEN_MAX_VEL = 260.0
> > > STEPGEN_MAX_ACC = 600.0
> > > FERROR = 0.5
> > > MIN_FERROR = 0.3
> > >
> > > DIRSETUP = 6000
> > > DIRHOLD = 6000
> > > STEPLEN = 2700
> > > STEPSPACE = 2700
> > >
> > > HOME = 0.0
> > > HOME_OFFSET = 0.0
> > > HOME_USE_INDEX = False
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [INPUTS]
> > > # DO NOT change the input text
> > > INPUT_0 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_0 = False
> > > INPUT_1 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_1 = False
> > > INPUT_2 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_2 = False
> > > INPUT_3 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_3 = False
> > > INPUT_4 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_4 = False
> > > INPUT_5 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_5 = False
> > > INPUT_6 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_6 = False
> > > INPUT_7 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_7 = False
> > > INPUT_8 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_8 = False
> > > INPUT_9 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_9 = False
> > > INPUT_10 = None
> > > INPUT_JOINT_10 = False
> > >
> > > [OUTPUTS]
> > > # DO NOT change the output text
> > > OUTPUT_0 = None
> > > OUTPUT_1 = None
> > > OUTPUT_2 = None
> > > OUTPUT_3 = None
> > > OUTPUT_4 = None
> > >
> > > [OPTIONS]
> > > HALUI = False
> > > PYVCP = False
> > > GLADEVCP = False
> > > LADDER = False
> > >
> > >
> > > hm2-stepper.hal:
> > >
> > >
> > > # kinematics
> > > loadrt [KINS]KINEMATICS
> > >
> > > # motion controller
> > > loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD
> > > num_joints=[KINS]JOINTS
> > >
> > > # hostmot2 driver
> > > loadrt hostmot2
> > >
> > > loadrt [HOSTMOT2](DRIVER) board_ip=[HOSTMOT2](IPADDRESS)
> > >
> config="num_encoders=[HOSTMOT2](ENCODERS)num_stepgens=[HOSTMOT2](STEPGENS)"sserial_port_0=[HOSTMOT2](SSERIAL_PORT)
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.watchdog.timeout_ns 25000000
> > >
> > > # THREADS
> > > addf hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD) servo-thread
> > > addf motion-command-handler servo-thread
> > > addf motion-controller servo-thread
> > > addf hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.write servo-thread
> > >
> > >
> > > # Joint 0
> > > # axis enable chain
> > > newsig emcmot.0.enable bit
> > > sets emcmot.0.enable FALSE
> > > net emcmot.0.enable <= joint.0.amp-enable-out
> > > net emcmot.0.enable => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.enable
> > >
> > > # position command and feedback
> > > net j.0.pos-cmd hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.position-cmd
> > > joint.0.motor-pos-cmd
> > > net j.0.pos-fb hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.position-fb
> > > joint.0.motor-pos-fb
> > >
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.dirsetup [JOINT_0]DIRSETUP
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.dirhold [JOINT_0]DIRHOLD
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.steplen [JOINT_0]STEPLEN
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.stepspace [JOINT_0]STEPSPACE
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.position-scale [JOINT_0]SCALE
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.maxvel [JOINT_0]STEPGEN_MAX_VEL
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.maxaccel
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.step_type 0
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.00.control-type 0
> > >
> > >
> > > # Joint 1
> > > # axis enable chain
> > > newsig emcmot.1.enable bit
> > > sets emcmot.1.enable FALSE
> > > net emcmot.1.enable <= joint.1.amp-enable-out
> > > net emcmot.1.enable => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.enable
> > >
> > > # position command and feedback
> > > net j.1.pos-cmd hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.position-cmd
> > > joint.1.motor-pos-cmd
> > > net j.1.pos-fb hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.position-fb
> > > joint.1.motor-pos-fb
> > >
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.dirsetup [JOINT_1]DIRSETUP
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.dirhold [JOINT_1]DIRHOLD
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.steplen [JOINT_1]STEPLEN
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.stepspace [JOINT_1]STEPSPACE
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.position-scale [JOINT_1]SCALE
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.maxvel [JOINT_1]STEPGEN_MAX_VEL
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.maxaccel
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.step_type 0
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.01.control-type 0
> > >
> > >
> > > # Joint 2
> > > # axis enable chain
> > > newsig emcmot.2.enable bit
> > > sets emcmot.2.enable FALSE
> > > net emcmot.2.enable <= joint.2.amp-enable-out
> > > net emcmot.2.enable => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.enable
> > >
> > > # position command and feedback
> > > net j.2.pos-cmd hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.position-cmd
> > > joint.2.motor-pos-cmd
> > > net j.2.pos-fb hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.position-fb
> > > joint.2.motor-pos-fb
> > >
> > >
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.dirsetup [JOINT_2]DIRSETUP
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.dirhold [JOINT_2]DIRHOLD
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.steplen [JOINT_2]STEPLEN
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.stepspace [JOINT_2]STEPSPACE
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.position-scale [JOINT_2]SCALE
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.maxvel [JOINT_2]STEPGEN_MAX_VEL
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.maxaccel
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.step_type 0
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.02.control-type 0
> > >
> > >
> > > # Joint 3
> > > # axis enable chain
> > > newsig emcmot.3.enable bit
> > > sets emcmot.3.enable FALSE
> > > net emcmot.3.enable <= joint.3.amp-enable-out
> > > net emcmot.3.enable => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.enable
> > >
> > > # position command and feedback
> > > net j.3.pos-cmd hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.position-cmd
> > > joint.3.motor-pos-cmd
> > > net j.3.pos-fb hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.position-fb
> > > joint.3.motor-pos-fb
> > >
> > >
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.dirsetup [JOINT_3]DIRSETUP
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.dirhold [JOINT_3]DIRHOLD
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.steplen [JOINT_3]STEPLEN
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.stepspace [JOINT_3]STEPSPACE
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.position-scale [JOINT_3]SCALE
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.maxvel [JOINT_2]STEPGEN_MAX_VEL
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.maxaccel
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.step_type 0
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.control-type 0
> > >
> > >
> > > # Standard I/O Block - EStop, Etc
> > > # create a signal for the estop loopback
> > > net estop-loop iocontrol.0.user-enable-out => iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Emc-users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Peter Wallace
> > Mesa Electronics
> >
> > (\__/)
> > (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
> > (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
> >
> >
> >
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> > Emc-users mailing list
> >
> >
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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