Ralph, if you have a question or problem with a German site, let me know, I'd gladly help.

Am 15.01.2021 um 17:41 schrieb Ralph Stirling:
Now that I have my 7i90 hardware working with
the RPi 3b+, I need to make some changes to my
Axis ui customizations.  Gladevcp is present, but
not glade-gtk2, so I have nothing to edit the ui with.
Glade-gtk2 doesn't seem to be in the apt repository
either.  The only reference I have found to this is a
sped-up video narrated in German, which doesn't
help me much.

Anybody overcome this one yet?  The docs warn of
not using too new a version of glade-gtk2, so I suspect
glade-gtk3 is a non-starter.

Thanks again.
-- Ralph

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