On 2021-06-29 09:52, Robert Murphy wrote:
3D printing seems to be what the young people jive with.
It’d be great to slap on a heated bed and a print head on the mill and
get a slightly longer working envelope. Obviously with the right

I'm no longer one of those 'young' people, but all the guys I know who are into 3D printers are over 60.

I have an FDM printer that would certainly benefit from a longer bed, although there are now printers whose bed is a moving belt to get additional length.

My resin printers give outstanding quality, but the physical construction of all the resin printers I have seen would mean you would have to turn the bed into a bath, and provide a matching build plate in the chuck. Not impossible. But the physical arrangements for the screen and the exposure would by a bit more difficult, suggesting that a build from scratch would be more likely to succeed.


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