I missed the beginning as well, but I think something happened that was not on this email list that prompted the COC stuff ?
Perhaps it was an attempt to prevent a future issue!?

I really have no idea.

No one has ever explained why it was written or why it is important.   I asked more than once .... and the response was "crickets".

Personally, I don't see the need for it.

I'm not big into making up or accepting additional rules when they can't be explained. You saw the results of this "non-event".   It wasn't pretty.   If someone thinks this is needed.  Pipe up and say why.

Anyway, I think we need to remember that LCNC is a "cooperative effort" between a number of very intelligent folks. Being "cooperative" and "helpful" is a personal decision.   It doesn't take much to cause people to "not be" cooperative and helpful!
Tread lightly!

I think that LCNC has been a huge success and has helped humanity.
Try and find something else you have done that has "helped humanity".
That is BIG.

Lets not blow it.

Again, I want to thank those folks on this list who have helped me and others with LCNC.
I really appreciate your efforts!  :-)


On 7/17/2021 1:28 PM, Stuart Stevenson wrote:
WOW - I missed it all!

My wife and I left 24 Jun 2021 and returned 07 Jul 2021. I didn't check
emails until we returned.

Seems to me a lot of people confuse the right to comment with the
obligation to comment.

The COC appears to be a compilation of what everyone on the list has been
doing all along. Therefore, Jeff's comment, "a non-event", is appropriate.

I don't know what triggered the need for putting in the work to develop the
COC but I trust Jeff has identified the need.

I don't know who/what is going to be the COC sheriff but it will be a
thankless job. Even more thankless than general development. :)

It is my hope the job of COC sheriff is somewhat less interesting than the
maytag repairman job.

thank you Jeff for your attention and work


I was encouraged when I saw Valerio comment about making a project. He is
thinking about getting back to work. We should follow his thought pattern.

My only negative feeling was when it was suggested a democratic vote would
fix it. Democracy is mob rule - nothing else. It is one hundred people
walking into a restaurant and waiting until 51 have agreed on what to eat
and then everyone has to eat what the 51 decided everyone needs to eat. Not

On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 6:48 AM Mark Wendt <wendt.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 6:07 AM andy pugh <bodge...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 09:55, Mark <wendt.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

Bullshit.  It's a sign that someone(s) wants to create political
division and strife
No, I think that we can be 100% sure that that was never Jeff's

It may not have been his intention but it certainly has turned the group
into just that.


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