My Hurco uses an air impact to run the draw bar. It has a small pneumatic ram to push the driver down to engage the drawbar.


On 19/07/2021 22:07, John Dammeyer wrote:
Here's the basic rendering.  Now I can redesign it to better fit the mill.   
It's possible I could add a flip down latch that only allows one turn in the 
CCW direction.  Before lowering onto the bolt head spin it CW against the other 
side of the stop.  Then push down the socket over the draw bar bolt head.  Spin 
CCW until it hits the stop which should be close to one turn and should release 
the TT Holder.   Or set a latch so it does one rev and then the stop flips down 
to stop it on the second turn.\
All those years of repairing IBM Selectric Typewriters might just come in handy for coming up with a novel solution. Or just use a stepper motor and 100:1 planetary gear module.

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